Jordan and logan sekulow aclj

Jay sekulow obituary

Jordan’s brother Logan, 26, is also involved with ACLJ and helps direct their media and production initiatives. Jay and Jordan Sekulow’s valuable working relationship is evident in their work, whether on the radio or on the road.

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    Logan and Jordan are back in studio after traveling. Jordan takes a page out of Logan’s playbook and discusses his trip to Disney. Then, they turn their focus to Pres. Biden’s trip to Israel, the diplomatic failures that plagued it, and what they are concerned about as the war continues.

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    1. Logan sekulow wife

    Air Date: Decem» Listen to SEKULOW LIVE (Jay Sekulow) Audio Archive» Jordan and Logan Sekulow are joined by Will Haynes to break down the ACLJ's newest campaign in our Faith Freedom year end drive.

  • Dynamic Duo: A Conversation With Jordan Sekulow The ACLJ engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation that includes representing clients before the Supreme Court of the United States and international tribunals around the globe.
  • Item 2 of 10 Jordan’s brother Logan, 26, is also involved with ACLJ and helps direct their media and production initiatives. Jay and Jordan Sekulow’s valuable working relationship is evident in their work, whether on the radio or on the road.
  • Sekulow Weekend » Audio Archive » SEKULOW LIVE ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow. The following is the fifth installment of a six-part series focusing on why the ACLJ is needed now more than ever to protect the victories we’ve achieved and beat back the ominous challenges we now face under the Biden Administration.

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    Sekulow brings insight and education to listeners daily with his national call-in radio program, Jay Sekulow Live!, which is broadcast throughout the country on nearly radio stations. Sekulow also hosts a weekly television program, ACLJ This Week, which tackles the tough issues of the day. He is also a popular guest on nationally televised.

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  • Jordan Sekulow is the President and CEO of ACLJ Action. In addition, he is Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a practicing attorney, and cohost of Sekulow, a syndicated radio program providing cutting analysis of today's political and legal landscape with elected officials and conservative leaders.

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    He is the co-host of ACLJ This Week, a weekly television news program broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar. [7][8] On Decem, The Washington Post blog introduced Jordan Sekulow's featured blog, Religious Right Now, exploring "what social conservatives want." [9].

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  • Logan Sekulow is the Director of Media for the ACLJ. Air Date: Decem» Listen to SEKULOW LIVE (Jay Sekulow) Audio Archive» Jordan and Logan Sekulow are joined by Will Haynes to break down the ACLJ's newest campaign in our Faith Freedom year end drive.
  • Jay Alan Sekulow is Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a legal and educational not-for-profit organization that focuses on. He is the co-host of ACLJ This Week, a weekly television news program broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar. [7][8] On Decem, The Washington Post blog introduced Jordan Sekulow's featured blog, Religious Right Now, exploring "what social conservatives want." [9].
  • My interview on the Jay Sekulow show with Jordan and Logan Sekulow talking about my new song/video "OK" addressing Oct 7th, the moral collapse. Jordan Sekulow is the President and CEO of ACLJ Action. In addition, he is Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a practicing attorney, and cohost of Sekulow, a syndicated radio program providing cutting analysis of today's political and legal landscape with elected officials and conservative leaders.
  • jordan and logan sekulow aclj